MatchBox Consulting Group

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MatchBox is one of the fastest-growing strategic recruitment and human resources firms that specializes in attracting top talent and delivering comprehensive recruitment solutions in the fields of IT, Technology, Engineering, Construction and Finance in Canada. MatchBox ranked as #339 on Canada's Top Growing Companies list by Globe and Mail for 2021. MatchBox ranked #208 in Financial Times' 2021 ranking in the Fastest Growing Companies in the Americas'. MatchBox ranked as #146 on Canada's Top Growing Companies list by Globe and Mail for 2020. MatchBox ranked #53 in Financial Times' 2020 ranking in the Fastest Growing Companies in the Americas', taking up the #4 position in Canada. MatchBox ranked #78 among Canada’s Top New Growth Companies list for 2020 by Canadian Business. MatchBox ranked as #28 on Canada's Top Growing Companies list by Globe and Mail for 2019, taking up the #3 position in Vancouver. MatchBox has been recognized as one of the top Information & Communication Technology (ICT) companies in Canada by the Branham300 list in 2019. MatchBox ranked #15 among Canada’s 50 Top New Growth Companies for 2018, taking up the #1 position in British Columbia by Canadian Business & McLean's. When we founded MatchBox we had two distinctive pillars of intent: to build long-term, transparent and value-based relationships with our clients and candidates and to create a tangible business impact by meeting their needs with precision. Our team combines the most contemporary research capabilities with solid insights and an extensive industry network. We embrace the fact that recruitment is about people and the market for top talent is tighter than ever. At MatchBox we believe success comes from not only aligning client objectives with candidates’ skills but also with their potential to grow into challenging new roles. +1 604.565.1500