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As a recruitment agency, your tech stack can be your secret weapon. But if your systems aren’t optimised they could be sabotaging your productivity and profitability. With decades of personal experience in recruitment, and an established network of providers, we enhance visibility and empower revenue growth with strategic, tech-driven processes. software agnostic we will only recommend tech that works for your business. While we do have our favourites (Bullhorn and its marketplace of providers) we are not compensated in any way by recommending one product over another. Our tailored services include: System Tuning. We review your processes and practices ensuring your software is configured to meet your workflow and your data maintains integrity, uplifting rather than hindering your consultants and enhancing client and candidate experience. Systems Training. Experience has taught us that most recruiters use less than 35% of their recruitment database capabilities. That leaves ENORMOUS scope for productivity enhancement and efficiencies. Through documentation, video and face-to-face training solutions, you can give your team the tools they need. Recruitment System Support. Resource utilisation is integral to achieving a return on investment, and you don’t want your internal resources to be tied up with activities that don’t drive revenue! We can set your team free, take care of system issues and liaise with software suppliers on your behalf. Systems are vital to unlocking your agency’s potential, especially when many consultants work from home and candidates and clients expect higher quality touchpoints. So, if you are ready to get more from your tech, let’s talk.

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