TechTalent Squared

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TechTalent Squared utilizes a disciplined, rigorous sourcing and screening process that finds the best candidates for a position, technically and even more critically – culturally. We look for optimum alignment of clients’ and candidates’ goals for a mutually beneficial long-term fit. We are building our business on clients and candidate recommendations and referrals. At our core, we believe in putting our clients first and doing everything in our power to help them succeed. Our associates understand the balance of hard work and having fun – something that is never in short supply. Leadership doors are open to anyone – and you’ll find them working shoulder to shoulder with you. TechTalent Squared will be your strategic business partner on an on-going basis. Wherever possible we conduct an on-site visit to your location which will allow us to evaluate your company culture, hiring practices and gather information on your personnel needs. We will match your culture to the top candidates, and make sure that we find you the right candidate! Our goal is to save you time by not only sending you qualified candidates, but also by sending them to you in a timely manner. TechTalent Squared is passionate about providing you with the very highest level of customer service.

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