YUPRO - Year Up Professional Resources

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As the nation’s leading Opportunity Talent Placement Firm, YUPRO connects forward-thinking companies with diverse talent that drives long-term business success. YUPRO is a Public Benefit Corporation and a wholly owned subsidiary of Year Up, Inc., a leading non-profit workforce development organization. We uphold a shared social mission to close the Opportunity Divide and support Opportunity Talent in securing jobs where they can earn fair and equitable market wages and experience continuity of work in professional roles. Diverse teams power business so building a diverse ecosystem of talent is an essential business strategy today. Partnering with YUPRO is a strategic and socially responsible alternative to traditional hiring methods. As a client partner, you have immediate access to diverse talent as you build your talent acquisition strategy. Our placement success is credited to the proven grit and determination of the Opportunity Talent we represent nationwide. YUPRO coordinates the match between talent and clients and supports a positive outcome through a customized career readiness assessment tool and individualized coaching sessions to ensure a solid transition into their new role. We are proud to share our social mission metrics which are annual outcomes resulting from committed client partners who share in our mission to ensure Opportunity Talent thrive in the marketplace. • YUPRO talent average hourly wages exceed the U.S. BLS average wage by 9% and contract assignment average tenure is 13 months, compared to industry average of 10 weeks • 95% of clients say YUPRO meets or exceeds their expectations • 90% of YUPRO talent complete their contract assignment, far exceeding the industry average of 68% • 95% of YUPRO talent are either hired on permanently with our clients or assignments are extended With YUPRO, placement with social impact is better business.

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