
The 3 Steps Recruiters Take To Double Their Personal Income


Suky Sodhi: Hi welcome to today's presentation. I am Suki Sodhi, founder of professionalselection and Apologies for the other day, I know many of you waited, but Hopins just wouldn't let me in Jan and I are trying to get a new date locked in. So apologies for that. But in the meantime, he's asked me to record a quick 30 minute presentation for you until we're able to get back in now, I realize you're not going to be able to ask live questions.

So at the end, I'm going to leave my details. If you do have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me. So on that note, let me share my screen.

So seek to understand three steps recruiters take to double their income. Now for the purpose of this, I'm referring to recruiters truthfully it's for anybody that is responsible for generating revenue, you could be full 360 pure BD could be on the candidate side.

You could be leading a team of revenue generators. It's really the three. Steps that I've seen individuals take. And I have, and this comes from both my own personal experience, my team and from my coaching side. So as I said, I'm Suki, but who am I otherwise? I'm an adrenaline junkie for those of you that don't know.

I totally believe that we must celebrate and collect every single win along the way, because that's, what's, that's the fuel for forward momentum. And that's when we have forward momentum. That's when we exceed, achieve and exceed our goals. Those of you that are in the elite global recruiters group, you see every Friday.

Okay. It's not about waiting for that big win. It's about celebrating the small wins as you go along. It blows my mind when I speak to individuals in our industry who never celebrate a win until they've actually got a placement. I see others that wait 3 months. Well, whatever the guarantee period is before they allow themselves to celebrate that placement, that, is that just blows my mind.

You need that momentum carried through. And, and to be honest, that's what I've done to take my busines international 18 countries of recruiting meeting countries I've trained and coached in 6 countries. Interestingly enough that may become a country soon. I'm speaking to God, an inquiry out of Dubai, an island.

And to me, I'm celebrating the fact that we even got an inquiry, as I said, it just, it creates that forward momentum. So you need purpose. Got to have purpose and everybody thinks . My purpose is to get a job on, on purposes to get a candidate screen. No, the purpose I'm talking about is the purpose for the other party, not you.

And I will explain this further in a second. But it's, you know, It's not about what's in it for you. It's, what's in it for them, whether that's a client or whether it's a candidate and a successful recruiter knows that they understand they've got to do the right activity. They've got to the right activity with the right purpose.

And the glue tool of that is the mindset. They recognize that mindset is so important. And to be honest, I think mindset is the bit currently mindset is the most difficult one that I'm seeing in my coaching practice that recruiters are really struggling with and I get it last 18 months or whatever it is, has been brutal.

But when you put all of that together, that's when you get the uncapped income. Now I know some of you have just said the sick in my pocket, you know, my company gets it as well. Absolutely. I get all of that. Right. But today I'm really focusing of really want to focus on what you, as an individual can do to control your income.

You can't control what a company does. You can't control what others do, but you can control what you do. And I want to talk about how do you maximize your own income? So Clients Candidate, Motivator, Process. Now this is something. It's a process that I've put together. And to be honest, we don't have the time today.

It really is a beyond the scope of today. But it's really a way of identifying what has not been said early on in the recruitment process and for the sales process for that much or as well. And this is where we're never going to eliminate fall loss. We're never going to eliminate counter offers and things like that.

People people have free, will people change their mind, but we want to do is drastically reduce that. And sometimes it's individuals being a client, being a candidate have lied to us with hell. So I'm thinking important could be, they didn't think it was important. It didn't occur to them to tell us and audit.

It occurred to us that we might want to ask that. And they sometimes just don't know what you don't know. Well, this, this the candidate, the client and candidate motivator process, does it helps you get as much information upfront. Now I'm going to take you through this quickly. But what I will say is, is this is not something that happens on just one conversation.

This is an ongoing process. So. For the purpose of time. And today, when you're going to walk you through, give you a very quick overview of the client. So you pretty much have four areas that are related to the role and two areas that are related to the individual that they're looking to hire. First one is one to understand what's the pressure, what's the real problem that you are solving.

Often people say, actually, I'll use our industry. As an example, I'll often hear. If it's a manager, we need a new branch manager because the branch is underperforming. Okay. I get that. But that's not the real pressure I want to understand. Why is the branch chanter performing? What was the pressure on that individual?

What were the other pressures on that individual, that Branch manager that he or she was unable to turn that branch around if it gets beyond the scope of today, but often what, what I'll hear in our industry is, oh, they were no good. Or they went somewhere over there and they got another job. Well, I want to understand what, what was the amount of pressure on that individual that they felt they had to leave the business.

And here's why I want to know. That same pressure unless it is dealt with, or you understand it and things like that. Your next hire is just walking into the same, same pressure being put onto them. Then the people often, what I hear when I asked this one is again, I'm gonna stick with the managers one, for example.

People will tell, be always reporting into so-and-so now talk about the personality that individuals reporting into, and then they'll say, oh, he's got managing five people. And I'll give you, you know, this number of BD recruiters and things like that, but that's not what I want to know. I want to know who in that team is the problem child.

What is the problem in that team? And again, often I hear. It's lack of leadership. You know, the previous duke individual didn't know how to manage or he wasn't a good manager and things like that. We know that's not always true. Sometimes it probably wasn't the manager, sometimes the problem is the team or even the individuals line manager.

So we're talking about that. That's the type of thing you're trying to extract. Now it's a company going to say to you. Oh yeah. There's allows your manager. You know, the VPs allows you to CEOs lousy. But you need it's that stuff. You want to be asking this question? Because as I said, you're gathering information over multiple conversations.

You may hear something here or conversation today. Tomorrow, you could have a conversation with the client around the people and pick up another piece of the puzzle.

Perseverance. What is their attention? And what's the true story behind it now. Retention isn't necessarily a great tenure. Isn't necessarily a sign of a great company. And let me just quickly explain what I mean by them. Do you have great tenure because you have seen that. B players and they're happily partner on doing, you know, generation X doing the same thing over and over again.

And there's no brief, not many high performance there. Or do you have poor retension? In which case, why are they leaving? You want to really understand which of the two is it? Because in the first example I gave you, if you put a high focused winning manager into that scenario, somebody who said doing a change culture, but you've got individuals that are just not willing or wanting to come through.

And for lack of a better word, step up from a C to a B player B to an A-player. All you're going to do is make that new hires, like quite frankly, a misery. And unfortunately, I see this in my industry. Over and over again, completion look for, we want to bring in a new manager because the team is underperforming yet first sign of any change.

And that, that, you know, let's be honest. People don't like change right. First time of change. And everybody's complaining and that individual, the new manager is told to slow down and things like that. So hope that makes sense on the perseverance one. Place, Flexibility location and the amount of travel involved.

I'm going to give you a really quick, simple one soon as COVID hit, all my clients were saying, oh no, we're going to be working from home. We're going to be working for almost two of them. Should I say, like, we're going to be a 100% work from home. So. They hire individuals. And they're saying the a 100% work from home.

Well, guess what? Now they're talking about a hybrid model. Now some of them are talking about, Nope, we're going back to work full time Monday to Friday, office-based Generally the first type of thing. Well, you need to understand what the real plan is, even if it's not being communicated, because the last thing you want to do, or I certainly want to do an example.

I've just given you is put somebody. Into a role knowing full well that it's not going to be. They're not going to have the option to work from home in the next six months. Why is this important? Well, it is your retention and then progress. What is a career path for this new hire and what are the expectations?

It's really important that in the hiring process. Again, it really doesn't matter whether it's a Contractor, Temp, Perm doesn't matter. What are the expectations you really want to understand? Often I hear again, using the branch manager. So a example I gave you, oh, you needed to turn the branch around. Well, I want to know how far behind, how underperforming is the branch?

Are we like 80% of budget or are we 20% of budget? Now, again, to be clear, clients often are available of this thing in the first call. Right? So that's why I said, this is something from multiple conversations and then the prestige around it, dollars and cents, job titles and things like that. Now we all know.

Especially here in North America, salaries have gone up drastically in our industry and your industries as well. And sometimes companies genuinely cannot increase the salaries like that. They literally don't have the cash to do that. Well, first of all, you want to be able to educate them, them, see how they compare to industry and things like that.

But you really want to understand this because we all know money is never. Well, Ray, should I say the number one motivator we want to understand here is what are the other ways that we could, things we can offer their candidate. Now on this one, sometimes a client will tell you, well, we can do this. We can do that.

The game changing piece, you may not be aware of yet because you may, once you've done exactly this process, the candidate, they may say something completely different. For example, They may say daycare is really important to us or the company helps reimburse daycare. Great. Now, you know, and that's something that you can, when it comes to negotiating, you can start talking about, so hopefully this makes sense.

Now, as I said, this program takes it. It's a full program and we'd just be on the scope of today, but exactly the same applies for the candidate side.

Okay. So what else does a successful recruiter do? They recognize the pattern? Customized KPIs. They recognize it and they embrace it. I don't hear a successful recruiter say to me, oh, wow.

Oh my God. I have to report tape. I have to report my metrics. And it blows my mind when people do complain about that your employer is paying you to do that. It's again, it's that mindset piece, right? Which I'll come onto in a second for a successful recruiter, recognizes that they have to customize the KPIs.

Now, does that mean they don't report the KPIs that their company are asking? No, they have that own secondary KPIs. and they didn't chase the pro they chase the process, not the invoice. Often, I see. And this comes back into, remember earlier when I was talking about purpose, purpose, right. Time and time again.

I, I hate, I speak to individuals that are, that purpose is to close that deal. There's a company that I hear constantly saying choke them. So when it's quarter and choke the client close that deal, choke the candidate, get them to accept you. Things like that. A successful recruiter chases the process. So they don't have to do that type of activity.

That type of pressure on their clients and candidates. So talking about that, let's talk about some existing KPI models. Now there's is a variance of it, but I've tried capturing sort of like the buckets here, a hunter activity. Now, again, you may be a 360, so bear with me, or you may be just on the recruit sites of bear with me, but a hunters typically how many dollars we've made, how many connections you made $60 should equal 20 connects somewhere, somewhere around that. I have, there's a global company who insists on 125 activities, client activities. Plus for, I remember correctly, 10 client meetings and things like that. And then the other part, the other areas to terms, right? You've got the client meetings, how many client meetings to be had, you've got to do X number a week and so forth. Then you have to sign to terms.

I, that, that, that KPI just blows my mind. Why do you just need terms signed? Right. But again, beyond the scope of today, jobs on are on Revenue. Right. How many jobs have you bought her out, brought in for the recruiters to fill. And then if you're on the candidate side or the 360 side, this is the other side of it.

How many, client beg a pardon, how many candidate calls would be made in mails and things like that blows my mind. How many people just said mailshots mass mail shots to candidates about a job, about a job that they're working on. And the screens like that, they're just under so much pressure that the screens become like 15 minutes or something like that.

Numbers, middles, how we see these, did you send to each one of those job orders that the BD person is bought in? Right. Typical ratios I'm hearing is for every job order that comes in, they need two to three CVS some where there's more, but that's kind of like the average. And how many of them went to interview, right?

Client interviews, offers or offers. Did you get wherever you did, you generate so variance, you know, some form of this, and then you have this successful recruiter. What is that? What are their customer KPIs look like? How do they customize it? Well, first of all, they understand their target market. They understand their niche.

They don't play outside of their lane. Number of times I get asked to companies are say, we're looking for an accountant and things like that. I turn that business away. I give it, I refer it to some of my clients. Candidates will reach out to me with great candidates. I'm looking for, looking for work and things like that.

I cause I don't sit there saying, okay, well this is a great candidate. I can make 40 grand here. No, I know by doing that, I'm diluting my brand and I'm diluting my I'm diluting my expertise, my bad, even things like that. That's where successful recruiter recognizes t

The targeted connects. They don't sit there, randomly smiling and dialing.

They smile and dial with purpose. They speak to either decision makers or influencers . Anything outside of that, they don't record it. Class A roles and High fees or wish you had the time for me to really deep dive into this, but it's just what good. It doesn't work on a C class order. Don't even bring them in.

They don't work on low margins. They don't bring in low margin activity. Now, what I mean by that? And I'm sure some of you are going to be able to relate to this. She talked to a client client says actually, I'm working with John Smith over there. Had this role open for two months. And if you want to work with me 15%. Number of people that are just signing those terms, if it's horrifying, but tsucessfull recruiters don't do that.

They walk away. They either go increase that fee and they want exclusive stuff like that, or they just simply walk away. What they don't do is work on those CFO roles.

They measure the offers. They measure that number. How many offers have they had? And of course income, their personal income. They know I'm just going to keep the master really simple. Let's say they need, they want to take home a $100,000 by the end of the year, they've calculated having placements they need to make, or what combine margin of big upon margins and fees need to be.

And they know they can tell me their revenue number. Pretty much to the penny. They can tell me what commissions they're earning to the penny because they measure that. And then on the other side, the recruiter candidates side, very similar to the target. And he said, do a targeted reach. They don't take these massive emails and send them out to everybody.

They don't do that. They may only send them out to 10 people, but each one of those individuals can do the job. They don't post and pray that I'm pressing because they know they're going to get so many people coming back, who I'm not their target audience yet that they're going to have to engage with them. So then they're very, very focused and have a two step screening process.

What I mean by that, they'll do the, especially if it's the person's role, they'll do the initial call introduction and things like that. Then they're going to book them in for a full in-depth interview. If they haven't done that they don't submit in the candidate. They measure unique submittals. If there is one thing you take away from today, measure unique submittals.

Now to be clear, you can, submit a candidate. And so who should, if they are suitable, submit them to multiple clients, but you must measure the unique submittals and actually got of this. Couple of weeks ago in one of the coaching sessions why here, why measure uniques and middles because guys, you can only play somebody once.

It doesn't matter whether it's a contractor, whether it's a perm role, you send that same person, actually 4 clients and all 4 of them were 3 is going to be disappointed. And you're only making one placement. So successful recruiters measure their unique submittals. The measure, the first interviews, they don't sit there saying we'll have a second interviews that I got that they're aware of them, but they don't focus on that.

Why? Because at focus on bringing the process, what is the process to get candidates and clients, quality candidates and clients into the pro, into the interview process and then they look at the offers. What was it, what gets accepted, what gets rejected fall off. And again, their income, the reason they look at X what's accepted or injected, they learn from it.

They learned from it. Was there something they done? Is there something they did not uncover early enough with a candidate and with the client, but the other one they also measure is, as I said, the fall offs. It surprises me how many people, excuse me, only measure fall offs within the guarantee period.

As successful recruiter is measuring the long term success. Why? Because that going to the high fees, their clients, they're going for those class A, class B, orders. Probably it's not going to give you the high fees. If somebody quits a month after, if, if multiple people keep quitting month after the guarantee, period is over.

The power of focus and mindset. It doesn't matter what activity you're doing.

Okay. It doesn't matter what your purpose is. If you haven't got focus and mindset,

Again, beyond the scope of today. But there's three individuals as three mindsets that you stakeholders that you've got to bear in mind, their fears, their conscious, unconscious biases, your client are you, the hiring manager you've handed it and join. Now could be more here because candidate significant other could be in the background with their opinion.

And you may have multiple decision makers and things like that.

So again, beyond the scope of today, but I'm going to talk about the recruiter activity and how their mindset works around it.

Market Conditions. Market conditions and fees. Oh my God. It's COVID nobody is hiring. Oh, I'd be freaking rich. If I had a dollar for every time I heard that.

No, the truth is companies are hiring. They're just not hiring through you. Fees, oh, well, they're paying really low fees because my competitors are doing this. Yeah. You're targeting you eat. You're not demonstrating or value to that potential client. In order to get the higher fees, the fees, well, the pressure, their mindset, their fears are all around the pressure.

The pressure come from powers above to get on a job order may make X number of connects the pressure they're getting from home. Pressurethey're getting from candidate and they hate cold calling. So that's sitting there, they're just fighting and dying. Right, but no purpose. And sometimes they're not even smiling.

And I'm one of those people that believes if you pick up the phone and you don't have a smile on your face, it comes across, it comes across. One of the things I teach in the end is in fact, that's how I was taught as well. Stand up feeling if you're, if you're not feeling it, if your energy level is low, stand up and make that call.

Imposter syndrome victim. It's really interesting. I was speaking to an individual the other day and wasn't making calls. I kid you not. She made $7 in a day. And when we really peeled back the layers, her fear was the clouds don't realize she doesn't know anything about the sector or details about the sector.

And that was really holding her back. And one of the things we worked with on with her is we're not meant to be experts. You're not meant to be an expert in your clients or your candidates job. They're the expert in that job. You're the expert in recruiting. But it's also that victim mindset.

Oh, my God COVID oh my God. The pressure from my boss. Oh my God. How do they expect me to do this? Oh my God. Oh my God. Now there are those individuals that genuinely are in a bad spot through COVID-19 things like that. So I'm not dismissing that. But even before, even before the pandemic, the number of times I would hear people playing victim and that victim mindset.

Is the stuff that keeps you stuck. So let's look at the, what a successful recruiters mindset looks like. Well, they worry about market conditions as well, but not in the same way as you do. They look at market conditions, they keep an eye on them, but they do it anyway. Or they look at the market conditions and they recognize now's the time when that clients and candidates need them even more.

So, for example, Here in North America. In fact, in many of the regions that we work in there is just such a demand for talent candidate shortage, candidate shortage, right? So it is a successful recruiters dream because you know what clients need you. If they want to secure that talent, a successful recruiter knows these market conditions.

They need you more than they realize they focus on the right activity. So the focus on the right activity with purpose, their mindset is one of learning. I'm one of value. They value themselves. They value that expertise. They don't try to be an expert in there in their client industry, in business.

They're an expert in recruiting, in their client's industry. And vertical, they're always open to learning. Now, one of the things I've been hearing a lot is obviously I've got 20 years experience. In fact, it is an individual. I was speaking to a couple of weeks ago yet. She hadn't made a placement in four months.

The reality is guys myself included. None of us have worked in the current climate. None of us have ran a business, a coach or a training or coaching business, or a recruitment business in a pandemic in lockdown. So successful recruiters, they recognize that and they were open to learning.

Self-belief and a winning mindset.

They believe in themselves. They believe. That if they do the right activity with the right purpose, with the right mindset, they're winners, do they think it's easy? Absolutely not. That's not what I'm saying. I'm not saying that they think it's easy. What they recognize is that they have to have purpose and they have to do the right activity and they do it anyway.

And failure is not an option. They don't fail. By that what I mean is when they have something fall out of that, For whatever reason they don't go into victim mode. Yes. They're disappointed and things like that, but then they they're back on the horse. They're like, okay, how do we, what did we miss say? How do we refill this role?

Or how do we secure go back and go back to the client? How do we troubleshoot this? They go back into that. Okay. What have I got to learn from this? So they never lose.

So on that note, What is it all made up of? As I said, purpose, you've got to have purpose to everything and the purpose has got to be what's in it for your client.

What's in it for your candidate. Don't focus on successful recruiters. Don't focus on it and what's in it for me. They have the right mindset. They recognize that mindset is really critical, vital, and they do a lot of work on their mindset. None of us wake up thinking. Okay, great. We're going to think differently today.

We're going to do things different today because he let's be honest if it was that easy. I know in my case, if it was that easy, simply reading something. Oh, I can change my mindset. I lost 40 pounds. Look at a weight loss industry. No, it is an ongoing process during the right activity. The recognized right.

Gotta have purpose, Right mindset, Right activity is what creates uncapped income and that's what you got to look at, and it's, it's hard out there. I'm not denying that there are certain regions that are really struggling more so than others. I get all of that, but here's the thing, guys, your competitors are experiencing exactly the same problems.

So what's the game changer. The game changer is your mindset. Game changer is your mindset, and Game Changer as you're doing the right activity. So on that note, sorry, I don't have, I'd love to have spent a lot longer really doing a deeper dive on all of this, but it's, we just don't have time today.

And as I said, I will come back and we will do this LIVE and I I'll be able to answer some questions, but in the meantime, if you've got any questions, feel free to reach out to me. There's my email to Connect with me on LinkedIn. If you want to learn more about any of these programs that I've touched on here go to or there's my mobile.

If you want to give me a shout, feel free to give me a shout. So until I'm able to come back in hope all of this makes sense. You got any questions? Reach out to me. Those guys go out there, don't, pull your low fee paying client. That are just interested in you building their database for them, get rid of them.

Because the more, if, if collectively we get rid of those kinds of clients, they've clients have no choice, but to change how they operate, we've got to get out of this guest to mindset. We've got to stop doing something just because that's how we've always done it.

As always. I would love to hear your thoughts, comments. You may seem this was. None of this is true. And I'm totally lost the plot. Great. Let me know. Let's talk about it. Happy to hear. You might have a better way of doing things again. We'd love to hear it. So feel free to reach out for me out to me on that note. Thanks ever so much for watching and I will speak to you soon.

Bye. For now.

Suky has spent over 20+ years in the recruitment industry. She is an expert in sales and strategy and has developed 3 simple steps that doubled the income of all of her clients. In this session, Suky will exclusively take you through the exact steps that helped her clients to double their income within 3 months and will help you to do the same.

As a leader:

Do you want to give your team access to the methodology that allows them to self-manage their desk and set clearer projections?
Do you want to stop micromanaging your team, yet ensure they are hitting their revenue targets?
Do you want to retain clients, candidates, and your internal talent?

As a recruiter:
Do you want off the hamster wheel of smiling and dialing without results?
Do you want to understand your personal path to success and financial freedom?
Do you want to learn how to embed your customized KPIs into the fabric of your day with ease?

For everyone:
Do you need confidential support in improving your performance?



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Suky Sodhi




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